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100 Challenges to Show Your Power

Workbook Series for Teenagers Re-Evolving the World

Thanks to our alliance with Teen Evolution, LLC, we bring to your school the Supernova Workbook Series, a psychoeducational resource to transform limiting beliefs about gender.

The Supernova Workbook Series is a resource for personal transformation based on an ethical-spiritual vision of life. In Supernova adolescents are challenge to live guided by values, without falling into moralisms; accepting themselves as spiritual beings, and learning to love without prejudice.

How the Supernova series was born

The nine books that make up the Supernova series of workbooks were developed as reflection and decision-making exercises that transform limiting gender beliefs. This workbook series, thanks to its challenge format, allows for the development of life skills in the nine most challenging areas that teenagers face as a result of the dominant gender paradigm.

The nine books are equivalent to nine “deep” awareness goals that were determined prior to writing this series. Finally, this compendium of workbooks covers issues of social change, spirituality and our inner being, fullfillment of goals, and improvement of the teen-parent relationship.

Why did we decide to bring the Supernova workbook series to schools?

Thanks to the contribution of Teen Evolution, LLC, who granted us a free exclusive license for distribution in schools, Supernova is the first psychoeducational resource that we have combined with technology to complement the teacher’s work in the classroom with a learning space online full of additional growth and collaboration activities for all teenagers doing Supernova in different schools simultaneously.

We make the Supernova Series a powerful Supernova of
teenagers expanding their learning in the community
How will we do it?

Supernova Online

Network of students and teachers applying Supernova

  • Play presented by teens for the little ones in their school
  • Group projects of students from various schools
  • Community events organized by teens
    and other projects

Nine attitudes developed in Teens and their names in the Sections of the Supernova Series


Managing peer pressure and society’s expectations
Section 1: Abnormality Challenges

Non-dual vision of life/ Spirituality and your inner being Section 2: Cosmic Challenges

Emotional Intelligence
Sección 3: Sensitivity Challenges


Section 4: Courage Challenges


Permanent learning/
Errors as opportunities
Section 6: Learning Challenges


Connecting with psychospiritual power/life’s purpose
Section 6: Creation Challenges


Section 7: Personal Freedom Challenges


Compassion towards fathers/mothers
Section 8: Childship Challenges


Personal Responsibility
Section 9: Action Challenges

Transforming gender beliefs is more than talking about men and women. It is connecting with the being that we truly are beyond skin color, national origin, and preferences

Who wrote the challenges and under what methodology?


The author of the Supernova series is Blanca Cesilia Carrero, Psychologist, specialist in Clinical-Community Psychology, Masters degree in Education, Certified International Coach, Art Therapist and co-founder of Global Evolution Education. Supernova features eclectic psychoeducational exercises, including mindfulness, art therapy, forgiveness practices, meditation, ontological coaching and other empowerment and personal transformation strategies, with an added dose of fun for teenagers.

Each of the challenges has three parts that promote reflection and learning in adolescents. First, a change in a dominant belief is presented, followed by two reflective practices guided by questions. Finally, the “power challenge” appears, where teens perform an activity that confront them with their barriers, inviting them to let go of the past, or create in the present, the person they  want to be. 

Supernova is full of Beauty

The SUPERNOVA Workbook Series is also an illustrated adventure with characters who, like the reader, are overcoming barriers that prevent them from showing their full power in a world that is seeking a new consciousness and transformation.

Meet the Characters of Supernova



Teemi: is a trans girl, wise and mystical. She is 17 years old, deeply spiritual, and at the same time connected to her body, which is why she cares for and values it. She has used a prosthesis on her left leg since she survived an accident. She presents the 100 Challenges, sharing her wisdom with everyone. 

Abby: Is a 15-year-old girl, loves reading, writes her own blog, and believes in fairy tales. She possesses psychic abilities that she rarely shares with others, and at times this Divine gift weighs heavily on her. She participates in a transfeminist group.




Pacha: Is an owl that accompanies Teemi when she presents a challenge to teenagers who are unable to show their power due to fears and insecurities.

Pacha: Is an owl that accompanies Teemi when she presents a challenge to LGBTQI+ teenagers who are unable to show their power due to fears and insecurities.
Noah: Is a 16-year-old boy, who towards the more advanced challenges starts to question what is a boy and what is a girl. Initially, he only likes boys, but later also likes girls. He doesn’t identify with any gender label. He is an illustrator. He loves to put on makeup and wear skirts. He rescues animals from the street.




Nico: Is a 16 year old lesbian. While going through and working on the 100 Challenges, Nico decides to reveal her secret by sharing with her family and the world that she is a lesbian. She is a guitarist in a rock band and likes to sing, but feels insecure. She has an exuberant voice, loves video games and wants to study engineering.


"100 Challenges to show your Power" Workbook series for teenagers re-evolving the World

Nine psychoeducational books focused on changing dominant gender beliefs in society, applied to a collaborative learning community approach created by Global Evolution Education, Inc.

We invite you to transform with us the education paradigm by encouraging your students to change their beliefs and expand their vision of peace and diversity in their community. Let’s do Supernova together!


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