We promote the transformation of Education
creating technology based psychoeducational resources that change schools into spaces of Unity, personal growth and seeds of Peace for the world.
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Discover next steps in our development

Global Community of Educators

Development of New Resources

Global Evolution Education Alliance

Opening of online private Community for teachers and administrators, where they will learn and grow in collaboration
Initial phase of the Evogender software development
- Presentation of proposals and agreements to initiate school interventions.
- Implementation of the “Supernova” Program begins
Compilation and analysis of data gathered from the implementation of the “Supernova” Program

Global Community of Educators
Opening of online private Community for teachers and administrators, where they will learn and grow in collaboration

Development of New Resources
Initial phase of the Evogender software development

Global Evolution Education Alliance
- Presentation of proposals and agreements to initiate school interventions.
- Implementation of the “Supernova” Program begins

Educational Research
Compilation and analysis of data gathered from the implementation of the “Supernova” Program
We are Global Evolution Education, a non-profit organization, dedicated to providing you with cutting-edge resources, and the specialized training that will prepare you to apply them in the classroom. In addition, we will accompany you to create, together with thousands of other teachers and school administrators, the change that we all want to see in the education of children and youth throughout the world. We know that you dream of an Education that promotes human development above academic skills, based on unity and respect for each individual regardless of their gender, sexual or religious orientation, race or ethnicity. We also dream of Education for human evolution, Peace and harmony in the world. Good news! we are in this together.

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A special Membership for conscious leaders committed to an Education that bring us back to Unity
Today you can be part of the group of evolutionary collaborators who contribute each month with our Vision.
Donating to Global Evolution Education supports our commitment to create an Education that is open to the inclusion of all without distinction. To be part of “Evolucation” is to be part of our family, to see us every month at a live event, to receive our digital magazine and to know that you are the change you want to see in your family, community, country and world.